Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easy #DIY Fun Labels

 Who doesn't have some type of bins for storage? When they are on a shelf sometimes at a glance you can't remember what's in them.

I had that problem yesterday. Then I went shopping and I didn;t want the kind that "stuck" on the fronts. My bins change from time to time based on what project I am working on or if I no longer am working on a project I delete what was in bin. I needed something I could change.

I found a assortment of stencils in the craft section at Walmart. I came home and was looking through them and seen this stencil:

I have card stock paper (from Walmart) grabbed my sharpie and stenciled on the card stock. Cut them out. I painted mine with arcrylic paint.

Had to look back in bins to get inventory. Wrote on my labels. Still thinking I did not want to adhere them on. I need something I can easily change.

 I eye spied my twine from any earlier project. I also have 2387 balls of yarn (should have used that!)

Took my exacto razor made an X in label and tied it on bin!

I seen another cool idea I can share. Get one of those wire basket bins and label your kids name on it. If you have stairs they pick up and put basket on stairs and carry up when going upstairs. I think kids would love their name on a bin and parents will love if they will pick up their stuff - maybe this would motivate them? I don't know anymore my kids are raised!

                                                  Life is great under the palm! Thanks for coming by if you scroll to the end and want to sign up via email I would love to have ya! Please share any post you like with your friends! I have some exciting post coming up! I love feedback and welcome our comments even if you just say Hello and where you are from! Blessings to all!

Michelle Masterson
Orlando Florida

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