Thursday, April 9, 2015

Hexagon Art

Hexagon Art

That's what I am calling this. Here is your material list:

Most my items have been purchased at Micheal's but I have seen the canvas at Walmart.

Material List:

*Canvas       (size is up to you)

*Fiskar Hexagon die cutter  (in craft section by decorated paper. I used the large  hexagon cutter for this craft.)

*8-10 sheets of paper.
 You chose color scheme. To use glitter or not. I can give you a frugal idea on this one because the light non glitter grey and the non glitter teal I made at home. Just use card stock and spray paint the pages on one side to your liking! Cool huh? 

                                           *2  Glue sticks 


Now for the "HOW TO":

I always have yarn on hand because I love to crochet. I took a snip of yarn for spacing. Just start cutting out hexagon shapes til you have a pile of them in all the different colors you chose.
Start on top, glue the back of the paper, place on canvas. Next hexagon put yarn loosely between the gluedi and the next paper hexagon you want to place. Just do that til canvas is full. I did go around edgesto cut off what was hanging. (I used an exacto knife - I didn't get hurt! small victories when you are as clumsy as me!) 

Let your imagination take you as far as you want with this. I am not a professional artist, not a professional photographer, I'm just a lady that likes to do what she wants and when she wants! What do you think? Maybe spraypainted or paint the canvas first? I like how it looks like grout between the hexagons!

I wish you the best and much fun with this project!  Include a child or give them a small canvas to do! Love to see your pictures! Clear at the end of this blog you can sign up to get more fun ideas and follow me on pintrest! 

                                    Michelle Masterson
                                   Orlando Florida  


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