Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Record Flowers

    I dress in "old' stuff" because if there's a paint can in 5 yards of me unopened I can get paint all over me! When my husband caught me with his "Industrial Heat Gun"  he was worried about my safety.

To be fair to him, I am rather clutzy!  In my left hand I am holding a record. Some of you have no idea what that is I can respect that. If you go into a Goodwill store and ask "Where's your records?" I'm sure you will get lead to them!

I just used a small can to balance this on and get up to where I could see it. Took the gun and pointed at area and passed gun back and forth til I could visually see the  record melting. Some people have done this in their ovens. I just bought a new one for 1600.00 and I am not going to have permenant melted records in her! No to mention if I walk off and forget the smell in the house would be bad!

Heat guns can be purchased at Home Depot Lowes and even Walmart. Don't try finding the one in picture....It's  industrial and my husbands professional tool of the trade.

Back to the record! I eyeballed 4 place to melt, only doing one place at a time. Shaped with my gloved hands. The oven idea the recommend temp was 175 degrees. So it does NOT take a lot to melt them!

I just love the idea of keeping it out of the landfill!

Using acrylic paint I went to town! Here were my first 3 ever Flowers!

I can invision these out on a yard barn. Or in your garden! Really it's where ever you want to pop some whimsical art!

Now where was I? Oh! you might need to have an idea how to hang these.

Good old fashion and free pop tabs! I am a lover of E6000 glue. Ready to hang.

At the time of the post I am looking at what I can use for a post. Perhaps a doll rod or well, those green stakes you see at the hardware.

Thanks for stopping by and I'm still waiting for feedback! Just say Hello and where you are from!

I did three repurposed project today and I am a bit tired so I am going to grab a bite for supper and hit my hot tub tonight. If you'll scroll to the end of this blog and sign up by email I would love to keep in touch!

                                      Michelle Masterson
                                      Orlando, Florida


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