Saturday, April 4, 2015

#SteppingStone, Eggs, and Easter!


I seen an earlier post in a Facebook group I belong to where this talented lady used egg shells to make a stunning piece of art for her mother. That's where my inspiration started.

Hubster is in garage doing his "projects". When I eyed spied these stepping stones he had moved out of his way.

I was eating a snack...yep a hard boiled egg! So naturally from my morning inspiration I had  to do something with egg shells the two came together right there that moment in the garage! Hubster was glad to have me "hanging out" with him in the garage.

Hahhaha there I sit in white shorts...hence the reason for the cardboard box and to keep him from throwing it out. I don't see "trash" like he does! I'm just using good ole ELMER'S Glue to put the egg shells on top of the stepping stone.

My hubster keeps me in craft supplies because with all the creative energy I have he knows I am best kept busy! These are arcylic paints.

My painted stepping stone! Upcycling egg shells!

It is the holiday season and I would like to remind everyone and even myself:

Forgiveness is a DECISION

Not an emotion!

Michelle Masterson

Orlando Florida 

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